About Sheila


  Sheila Biodanza

I was born and spent most of my life in the UK.

Nearly 5 years ago I found myself selling my house, leaving all my family, friends and 55 years of being a Brit to move and start a new life in Nederland.

Without Biodanza this would never have happened.

"I have loved to dance all my life. About 17 years ago I went to my first Biodanza class; it felt like I had come home. I found the freedom to dance my own dance and a whole lot more. Biodanza has taken me to many countries around the world including, UK, S. Africa, Holland, Germany, Turkey, Spain and the Canary Islands. Biodanza has taught me that it is safe to feel. It has developed my ability to express myself when needed and to grab life and live it.

Moving to Holland 5 years ago has been quite a journey for me. I believe Biodanza gave me the initial courage to move but I was unprepared for the feelings of isolation that came leaving my three grown up children, family and many dear friends behind plus being in a different country, not knowing anyone and not knowing the language. I really felt like I had lost my identity. Gradually with the help of Biodanza I have rebuilt my identity but this time from the inside.

For me this all happened about the time my menopause occurred and also the time that I was attending Biodanza school.

There was nowhere to hide or resist the process.

On graduating I decided to write my monography on Biodanza and the menopause. This sowed a seed, a desire to run Biodanza workshops for menopausal women.

The time feels right for that seed to grow and for my dream to manifest.

A little on my background

I left school aged 19 and went to study nursing at one of the big London hospitals. 3 1/2 years later I qualified as a State Registered and children’s nurse. After a few years I left nursing to become a full time mother. I have 3 sons who are now 3 beautiful young men. During this time I ran a playgroup for pre-school children for about 6 years. I then trained and taught keep-fit and movement for 10 years.

In 1993 I went on my first healing course. Later I trained with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers (UK) and became a recognised healer with them. I also studied with Malcolm Southwood from The Healing Institute, Inc. Florida and then I trained and became a Master Instructor in Integrated Energy Therapy.

I qualified in 2000. I gained a diploma in Massage, Anatomy and Physiology with The Massage Training Institute (UK) and also with ITEC (UK). I have been practicing since then.

In 2006 I qualified with a level 3 Diploma in Reflexogy with ABC in association with The Association of Reflexologists (UK).

Over the years I have done short courses in counselling skills, shiatsu, Thai massage, advanced massage skills and chinese foot massage.

I worked in my own practice in the UK for 10 years, giving sessions in Holistic massage and Reflexology and energy healing.

And Finally- How did I end up moving to Holland?

At the beginning of my Biodanza Life I met and became friends with Philippe during Biodanza holidays in Turkey and a few weekends dancing over here.

In 2007 we reconnected through face book.

The friendship grew and after 3 years travelling between countries I moved here.

We got married in 2012, did our Biodanza training together and love to teach together.